Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 6 & 7

Day 6: Got Kyle to work today. Starting today he is an intern here as well. Finally I have an AD I can bounce ideas off. Introduced him to everyone and briefed him about the client and started the brainstorming sessions.

Day 7: Brainstormin session continues. Came up with quite a few ideas, although can't say I am very please with all of them. Nevertheless in order to show that we haven't been just warming our chairs, we showed them to Garry.
Again, he reminded me to use iconoclastic imagery, which will make it easy for the viewer to identify with the problem and the solution being offered. Out of around 10 ideas he liked one (which is not too bad, considering I did not like many of them either). So now we have to work further on the ad and give some polished copy and visuals.

Day 5

Showed the ads to Garry... He liked the idea behind a doodle I had made (which I did not particularly like). He showed me a better way of representing the idea. Have to think of a headline for that now.
Lesson for the day: Over the board need not mean creative. Sometimes you have to mellow down the ad according to the client requirements. Advertising is not always about being creative. Sometimes just saying the right statement is likely to be accepted than finding a novel way of saying it.

Day 4

Monday... Today I was supposed to get the modifications done to an old ad campaign, but that was stalled. Whiled away my time working on the previous briefs. Read up a lot of stuff on traffic rules and regulations. The internet is such a vast source of information, but so many discrepancies!

Though I realised something important... Research is hard, especially on my eyes. Came up with a few ideas which I thought were good, but as Garry aint in today, will have to show them to him tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 3

Came in early and started reading the briefs from yesterday. After a while G popped in and asked if I could make a few minor modifications to an old campaign they had done. Supposedly the logo had changed and so had the name of the council (no hints about who the client is), so had to check the copy and make the required modifications. Luckily someone had already highlighted most of the copy which needed to be changed, so just had to substitute a few words here and there.

Not wanting to do a shoddy job, I took especially long to ensure I had checked, re-checked and re-re-checked everything. Showed the work to G. He made a few suggestions and told me I have to supervise the modifications on Monday. Another high! (I dunno why people smoke or do drugs, they should just join advertising) Hehehehehe...

Called it an early day and went back home to sleep as I hadn't been able to sleep properly for the last week.

Till next week folks!

Day 2

Day 2 should have been Wednesday, but due to unforeseen circumstances (improperly cooked food to be precise), I had to play hookey from work on Wednesday. So here it is Day 2 - Thursday!

Woke up in the morning to find it was raining cats & dogs outside. In fact it was raining so heavily I will go ahead and say it was raining horses and cows. After a debate with myself, good sense prevailed and I decided to go to work.

By the time I reached office I was dripping wet. I know I can be quite a drip, but this was ridiculous... Anyways, G had gone out again for some work, so I sat down in his office (as there seemed to be a rather big Fooseball table in the place assigned to me) and continued with the assignment I had received on Tuesday. After about 3 hours of researching, 4 pee breaks 'cos of the cold weather, and about 16 hours worth of shivering I came up with a couple of ideas more.

Around midday G came in and shooed me out of his office. Back to my cubicle. Back to researching some more about school zones and what not. After sometime I was called by G to attend my 1st briefing along with the other team members. Some jokes, teasing, introductions and questions later the briefing began. (As G had instructed me not to open my mouth unless asked a question, I did just that).

Whoa! 3 briefings instead of 1. Damn! And so little time to finish the campaigns. But I was super psyched. I was grinning like a stupid idiot at the end of it. Just being in there gave me such a kick, that I realised why I wanna do advertising. For the rush, for the excitement and did I mention the rush? I know there ain't a reason for me to get all gung-ho, as I haven't done any work yet, but just being there gave me such a high... Guess I am just a bit looney!

Anyways, post briefing I went back to my cubicle and began researching on motorcycles and what not. After a couple of more hours of staring at the monitor and trying to figure out the various thingamajics about bikes I decided to call it a day.

Catch you later.

Day 1

1st Day at work. Met a couple of people. P - the production Manager, J - a partner of the firm and a few more chaps whose names I cannot recollect. Cannot recollect 'cos I was so nervous that my mind was working overtime, but my ears were not. Anyways, nice fellas here. They seem friendly and helpful. Not like a bunch of wiseasses I met recently in another agency back at home.

G had gone out for some work, and had an assignment for me. Probably to see how good my thinking skills were. Had to think up of various concepts for a certain ad they had made. For the first time since I am back from India I have realised I am rusty. Haven't been exercising my mind enough I reckon. Anyways after coming up with various ideas by evening and showing it to Garry, I got the first lesson of the day - "Surprise the audience. The audience does not want to see something they can predict. Give them something to hang on to."

Lesson learnt G!

Till tomorrow.

Wat is dis blog abwt?

Hey there fellas. I'll soon be commencing my workplace learning placement (just a fancy name for an internship) with Redsuit Advertising. I'll be trying and noting down my experiences as an intern in an OZ agency.
Hopefully I won't stop writing midway. Wish me luck.